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VvE Webinar Covid-19 series: februari-april 2021

The VvE is organizing the serie of VvE webinars about COVID-19 on February 10, March 3, 24 and April 14

A: Testing in Covid 19 crisis: February 10, 2021 10 AM – 11 AM
Diagnostic accuracy of tests for COVID: a Cochrane rapid review experience
Dr. M. Leeflang
Dept. Epidemiology and Data Science
Amsterdam University Medical Centers

Test-test-test: collecting the evidence for COVID-19 tests in a pandemic
Prof. Dr. P.M. Bossuyt
Dept. Epidemiology and Data Science
Amsterdam University Medical Centers

B: Modeling data in COVID 19 time:  March 3, 2021 10 AM – 11 AM
Modelling the COVID-19-pandemic and measures to prevent transmission
Dr. Luc Coffeng
Department of Public Health
Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam

Prediction models for diagnosis and prognosis of covid-19 infection
Dr. Maarten van Smeden
Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care
UMC Utrecht

C: GGD: March 24, 2021 10 AM – 11 AM

Monitoring, upscaling, setting up test streets, contact investigation plans
Dr. Yvonne van Duynhoven
Public health service Amsterdam (GGD)

Second speaker and topic to be announced

D: Public health April 14, 2021 10 AM – 11 AM

Final COVID lecture by Prof Dr. Johan Mackenbach
Covid-19 in a long-term perspective

Location: Online – Zoom

Members from the association for epidemiologists: FREE
Non-members (including non-member students): €15,- per webinar session (€50,- all sessions)

(VvE membership costs €65,- and for full time students €25,-)

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